
[04:15:12.242] [Info] ===== THEA PLAYER COMPANIONS INITIALIZATION =====
[04:15:12.242] [Info] Initializing player companions utility script
[04:15:12.242] [Info] weh.. we init?
[04:15:12.257] [Info] ===== THEA PLAYER INITIALIZATION =====
[04:15:12.257] [Info] Initializing general player utility script
[04:15:12.257] [Info] Initializing Event Notification Handler
[04:15:12.257] [Info] Initializing Random Event Handler
[04:15:13.339] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:ae633fdaddc3308a4eb94e2fe8722712
[04:15:13.357] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
[04:15:13.385] [Info] ===== THEA PLAYER COMPANIONS INITIALIZATION =====
[04:15:13.385] [Info] Initializing player companions utility script
[04:15:13.385] [Info] weh.. we init?
[04:15:13.393] [Info] ===== THEA PLAYER INITIALIZATION =====
[04:15:13.393] [Info] Initializing general player utility script
[04:15:13.393] [Info] Initializing Event Notification Handler
[04:15:13.393] [Info] Initializing Random Event Handler
[04:15:14.274] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:ae633fdaddc3308a4eb94e2fe8722712
[04:15:14.291] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
[04:15:14.318] [Info] ===== THEA PLAYER COMPANIONS INITIALIZATION =====
[04:15:14.318] [Info] Initializing player companions utility script
[04:15:14.318] [Info] weh.. we init?
[04:15:14.330] [Info] ===== THEA PLAYER INITIALIZATION =====
[04:15:14.330] [Info] Initializing general player utility script
[04:15:14.330] [Info] Initializing Event Notification Handler
[04:15:14.330] [Info] Initializing Random Event Handler
[04:15:15.317] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to ClientShipWorld:ae633fdaddc3308a4eb94e2fe8722712
[04:15:15.325] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
[04:15:15.361] [Info] ===== THEA PLAYER COMPANIONS INITIALIZATION =====
[04:15:15.361] [Info] Initializing player companions utility script
[04:15:15.361] [Info] weh.. we init?
[04:15:15.370] [Info] ===== THEA PLAYER INITIALIZATION =====
[04:15:15.370] [Info] Initializing general player utility script
[04:15:15.370] [Info] Initializing Event Notification Handler
[04:15:15.370] [Info] Initializing Random Event Handler
[04:15:16.761] [Info] UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
[04:15:16.844] [Info] Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
[04:15:16.907] [Info] UniverseServer: Client 'Roxy' <1> (local) disconnected for reason:
[04:15:16.907] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world ClientShipWorld:ae633fdaddc3308a4eb94e2fe8722712
[04:15:17.085] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping UniverseServer
[04:15:17.093] [Info] Clearing steam rich presence connection
[04:15:18.352] [Info] Application: quit requested
[04:15:18.352] [Info] Application: quitting...
[04:15:18.352] [Info] Application: shutdown...
[04:15:18.507] [Info] Root: Shutting down Root
[04:15:19.104] [Info] Application: Destroying SDL Window
[04:15:19.164] [Info] Application: stopped gracefully