Lee Griffin Founding member of GoCompare: “Cars with smaller engines (under 1000cc) generally fall into lower insurance groups, meaning lower premiums.
“Building up a good driving record and no claims discount in a smaller car means paying less if you do want to move on to bigger, faster cars later.

“Cars with larger engines will fall in to a higher insurance group, as they’re more powerful and therefore seen as riskier on the road.
“It’s also worth noting that even if you purchase a high group rated vehicle for very little money, it’s still deemed a high risk and potentially not as safe on the road due to its age, therefore carrying a higher premium.”

■Most accident prone cars by model

Toyota Prius - 111 in 10,000
Citroen Saxo - 106 in 10,000
BMW 330D - 102 in 10,000
BMW 530D - 85 in 10,000
Peugeot 106 - 84 in 10,000

■ Most accident prone cars by make

Vauxhall - 62 in 10,000
Daewoo - 60 in 10,000
Seat - 60 in 10,000
Mitsubishi - 56 in 10,000
Renault - 55 in 10,000

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