https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf2bnxrHsF5/ のコメ欄より
「 Performance is good but not perfect because dancing doesn't strong
equal than this AKB48's song.」
「 Considering short period on practicing , this performance is quiet good.
Keep going.」
「 It was extremely hot and strong sun, but the unit Charaline x Korn
performed really great and spiritful, cheers! 」
勝田さん「 only few day practice 」
「 Congratulations to Orn for the center of RIVER. Hope that with her power,
RIVER can become one of the signature song of BNK48. 」
タイ語の歌詞の録音はまだだったのかな? タイ語で聞いてみたい