●【天降天草字幕组】王晓佳生诞公演表演跟拉票cut ★★★★★

This speech was held one day after the second episode of
SNH48《超神偶像》 aired. She wanted to know if the audience had watched it.

It seems to me that she said the following:

@ She thinks that a lot of people think that she is 高冷.
So she decided to act cute and upbeat today.

A She thinks that she has to work on mc.

During the second half of the speech she tries hard to contain her tears.

B She mentioned ‘hhy’, which means后花园生女(?). (花园= garden)

C She seems anxious because her 同期 and 后辈 seem to have a clear
idea of what they want to do. She wants to be a kind of 独一无二 的 person.

Today she looked especially super beautiful
and showed her strength by trying hard to contain
her emotion. I guess she did her best.
cf.●マクロスΔ 挿入歌『いけないボーダーライン』

I didn’t know that it was a Japanese song.