
If you really imagine the stakes of him,in his youth,
having all these special powers and having your parents kind of be absent during that process on their own agendas,
equally as selfish.He's lost in the world that he was raised in, and feels that he was kind of abandoned by the people that he's closest with.
He's angry because of that,I think,and he has a huge grudge on his shoulders.

であるが、 If you really imagine the stakes of him,in his youth, で、まず彼の少年期"his youth"と時期を明記している。

その後の文節はandにより"feels that he was kind of abandoned by the people that he's closest with." まで繋っており、

次に"abandoned"の意味は、"(見)捨てられる"という意味で、 子供観点で、「子供側が見捨てられた」と感じる時点でネグレクトだ。