It is childish to treat the Korean soldiers’ deviant individual behaviors during the Vietnam War and the Japan army's organized human trafficking during World War II on the same line.

The South Korean soldiers at the Vietnam War went uncontrollable, because the South Korean army itself was unable to successfully manage them or was unwilling to manage them. Meanwhile, the Japanese army ...

It was “comfort stations / houses” that used to be installed and managed in order not only to avoid Japanese soldiers' proliferation of sexual offenses and venereal diseases but also to qualify “ sex workers for Japanese soldiers” as “ comfort women” so as to prevent “prostitutes” from falling down in “ sex slavery”. Therefore,“ comfort women” were neither just “prostitutes” nor “ sex slaves”.
(日本人兵士の 性犯罪や性病の蔓延を回避するためばかりか、"日本人兵士のための 性労働者"を "慰安婦"として認定し、ひいては "売春婦"が"性奴隷"に堕ち ることを防ぐために設置され、管理されていたのが"慰安所"であった。 したがって、"慰安婦"は、単なる"売春婦"でも "性奴隷"でもなかった。)

「いわゆる慰安婦問題の考察」は、下記のURLからID:vg/sQwXqの 一連のレスを前に辿ってお読み下さい。