792 UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 0ba2-7TBo) 2018/10/28(日) 06:38:05.13 ID:VKIKQUyv0
Q 運に関する修正は行われますか?行われるとしたら、どのようなものになりますか?
"If the Luck mechanic was to be relooked at, what changes or additions can the community expect?", by Khalednazari

"I hope it gets a rework one day, but I think Luck is a mechanic that never got fully fleshed out" (McLean)

・ フックからの自力脱出率アップ
・ トラバサミからの脱出率アップ
Currently, Luck increases the chances of:
Successfully getting yourself off the hook (Attempt escape)
Getting out of a bear trap
"That's it. It does not affect chests like many people speculated"

Trivia: It used to affect the skillcheck chances, but there was a debate if it increases or decreases the chances of skillchecks
They wanted to add chests to the list of affected mechanics by Luck, but it hasn't happened yet

意訳: ヴィゴの塩漬けオファリングとこそ泥の本能でウルレアが出るようになる、というのはいいですね。
McLean's dreams: "Players using Vigo's Jar of Salty Lips and Plunderer's Instinct to loot chests for Utra Rare items"