>>743 めんどくせーよ

Welcome to the Battlefield V Closed Alpha Congratulations! You've been selected to participate in the Battlefield? V Closed Alpha!
Your participation and feedback in th e Closed Alpha will help us make Battlefield V the best game possible. It is a work in progress, so participants
may encounter technical issues while playing.
Please keep in mind, Closed Alpha participants are subject to the Closed Alpha Agreement, which is found during the installation of the Battlefield V
Closed Alpha at Origin.
The Closed Alpha for Battlefield V is playable in English only. Additional la nguages will be available in the final product.

ここにEAのアホ共が理解できるように理路整然と正しい用語を用いて理由を明確にして何をどうして欲しいか書いたらfeed backに英訳して書いて送るわ。