
Do you have any plans on new game modes?


Stefan - "We've done a brainstorm of new game modes. I believe we're gonna be doing them for events, mostly."
Not_Queen - "So it would be like an optional game-mode for events."

Dedicated servers when?

Not_Queen - " 'It is something we are definitely considering, but it is not on the timeline yet because transferring peer-to-peer to dedicated servers is a huge deal.
It takes resources, money, and time. We're scoping this, and we'll see (what the future brings)."

With the new shop system, we can unlock things with playtime, right? Do we start with shop release at zero or count my actual in-game time?

Not_Queen - "Everyone's going to start with the shop release with zero.
We're gonna have a player level system that's gonna allow you to level up in the game by playing games.
You play games, you level up. Every time you level up, you get in-game currency you can buy stuff in the store."

Louis - "Is that different from you rank and Bloodweb level?"

Not_Queen - "It is. It's kind of like a player account level."