

Q デッハを使ったバグ利用の修正はいつ終わりますか?屋根の上へのデッハ逃げなどの taking the game hostage相当行為についてです。
A 意訳:随時直していきます。(大分直しました。DHがもたらしたバグ利用可能箇所はたくさんあります。)
When will you finally fix the Dead Hard exploits, where Dead Hard Survivors can take shortcuts (such as on roofs) to outplay the Killer and reach map places where the Killer can't hit them thus taking the game hostage?
Not_Queen - "In the past, there was a few problematic areas that we fixed. This perk brings a lot of them. IDEA: Have the crows punish you and put you on a hook. That's the first iteration of it.

It's gonna go through design and they're gonna test things; this is not done yet. It was an idea since if someone's AFK they're gonna end up on the hook. If someone is exploiting..."
Alex - "Disclaimer: That's not the final design."