Q グラフィックを荒くすると小さい草が消えるんですけど直す予定ありますか?
A 今はその予定はない。

Adjusting the graphic setting too low gets rid of a lot of the short grass. Any plans to fix it?

Will you implement a colorblind game mode?
Not_Queen - "The idea to have the ability to change the colors of the auras would be considered. But in-game colors: that's not gonna change."

Why is Michael Meyers called The Shape?
Mathieu - "Well, if you took two minutes to Google it, you would see that the original movie credits do not call him Michael Meyers unless he's a child.
When he's later the killer with the mask, he is called The Shape; and that fit perfectly with our naming convention which is the same reason why Leatherface ended up being called The Cannibal."

When are we getting new exclusives?
Not_Queen - "New exclusives, right now, are on the ice."
Mathieu - "Because it's extremely difficult to do that for consoles, and we don't just want to give them out to PC players."

Will there be more add-ons for the old killers, at some point?
Not_Queen - "This is not planned right now."

Q Brutal Strengthを発電機キックにも適用して欲しい
A やる予定です

Are you aware that Sole Survivor still does not properly work with Object of Obsession and could you clarify how Sole Survivor and Barbecue & Chili are suppose to interact?
Not_Queen - "So, Sole Survivor is suppose to cut down the aura-reading. If it's not, it is a bug."

Why did you make two killers with the same weapon?
Mathieu - "First of all, they're not the same?well, technically you could say that The Trapper has a blade and Michael Meyers has a blade?but yes.
The reason that we did it is because we could not say no to Leatherface. And they're different enough that they really don't play the same."

Is it possible to make it so that when a survivor disconnects a generator pops?
This way, when someone rage quits at the start of a round, the other three survivors are not left with five generators.

Not_Queen - "This is not going to be happening."
Mathieu - "The idea was always that if someone quits it's the same as if they died. If someone dies at the beginning of the match, it sucks!"
Not_Queen - "But yeah, there is no way we're doing this because it would favor survivors way too much."

Q サバイバーキューブいつ頃?
A 来週に発表できることがあるかも

Q ブラッドウェブのアニメーション省略オプション
A 10月イベントの後に予定有り

Q 4人のSWFで鬼をボコる不公平さについて
A Badge systemで見直します

Where did you take your inspiration for The Huntress from?
Mathieu - "I'd like to get Dave to give all the details on that, but we went to Russian/Ukraine/Poland places and looked at a few of the old folk tales and legends around there.
And then we added a bunch of other stuff that we had talked about in the past that we didn't know exactly how to fit in. And yeah, we ended up with the story of Anna as you know it."

Can you adjust the priority of unhooking and self care?
Not_Queen - "It's been done, but [healing instead of unhooking] still happens."

In history, you say weather effects on maps are really difficult and [will] not happen, but on the [Red Forest] map you added raining weather effect and it's incredibly amazing. So?
Mathieu - "It was not simple. But yeah, sometimes we get better at stuff as we do it and sometimes we discover ways to do things cleverly.
So there might be more weather effects coming, but they need to fit well."

Charity Case on console?
Mathieu - "The Charity Case is not ready to go on console right now, just because it's a lot more complex to make sure that every penny of that goes to charity."