Fudge-ton of Q&A

Q カニバルコンソールはよ
A パッチを作り次第に

Why does The Huntress have lace instead of hair? Is it because hair is a bit annoying to animate?
Mathieu - "It's part of the character design that she has a mask with a vale on it and that's why this is as it is. But hair is notoriously annoying to animate. Usually we don't animate hair as much as we just use physics/simulations."

When will The Wraith get his well-deserved rework?
Not_Queen - "Well actually..." [See Road Map]

Q 低スペユーザ用の修正やる?
A コンソール用の最適化でPC版も一緒に軽くなる見込み

Will you tackle ultra-wide resolution? Currently it's cropped.
Mathieu - "We'll look at [these things] at some point, but they seem to always fall by the wayside 'cause they're not as important as critical fixes and improvements. It might be a surprise thing that pops up at some point."

Q BPS(100%オファ)いつ終わる?
A 未定


Not_Queen - "I kind of?we?decided that we're going to keep them. Right?"
Mathieu - "Are we saying that now? The thing is that we said you know you can win the joy of having them for an extra month, but people loved them so much and we kinda dig them. So we kinda don't want to take them out. Let's not take them out."
Not_Queen - "This is a decision that has been made live."
Mathieu - "So never is the answer to your question."

Q サバイバーって死んでるの?
Did the survivors actually die to arrive in The Entity's realm, or are they now outside of space and time?
Mathieu - "That is a very, very good question. I'm certainly not gonna answer the first part. I will tell you that they are now not in the same space and time as we are in. That's obscure and not really helping, but that's all you're getting."

Q 板グルに関するアップデートは予定してる?
A 来週に発表する?
Not_Queen - "We had a quick comment about it earlier; about the vacuum pallets, about the fact that we're investigating, that we want to change things. Horvath will be invited to a future stream to talk about?"
Mathieu - "We can probably do that next week. Since you're not gonna be there, I need to find something else to keep people busy."

Q 透明レイスでキックさせろ
A レイスキューブで検討中。キックしたらアンクローク、みたいなのを。