Dead by daylight Part117 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
0001UnnamedPlayer 転載ダメ©2ch.net (JP 0H67-XZk3 [])
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2017/09/19(火) 20:28:48.43ID:2mY54sKuH

Dead by daylight Part116 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net・
・関連【PS4/XB1】Dead by daylight part 23 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
・関連【Dead by Daylight】晒しスレ【DbD】 part6 [無断転載禁止] [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

【Dead by Daylight】質問スレ【DbD】 part2 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


■QA続き =>>2-4
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: default:vvvvvv:1000:512:----: EXT was configured
0806UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 8136-hoCt [])
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2017/09/22(金) 05:25:43.13ID:9phC7TMX0
Patch Notes 1.7.1

・Reduced the audio levels of The Wraiths growls while cloaked

・Adjusted the garage creaking audio in the Groaning Storehouse
・Adjusted the Hillbilly's daily ritual text to mention the killer (English only)
・Fixed a typo in the perk "Enduring"
・Fixed an issue causing the chainsaw audio to become corrupted for the entire game when dropping a firecracker in front of The Cannibal
・Fixed an issue that cause the user to receive the incorrect reward item when reaching Prestige level II and III with The Shape
・Fixed an issue that caused female survivors knees to pop during the repair animation
・Fixed an issue that caused the add-on "Light Chassis" to increase the chainsaw range
・Fixed an issue that caused the destroyed pallet debris to float into the air
・Fixed an issue that caused The Hag to snap into position after placing a trap
・Fixed an issue that caused The Hags trap decal to be visible during the start of the set trap animation
・Fixed an issue that caused the perk "Sole Survivor" to have no effect against the Killers aura reading when 1 or 2 survivors were sacrificed / killed
・Fixed an issue that could cause the client to have the wrong status icon on the scoreboard when killed by The Shape with the "Tombstone Piece" or "Judith's Tombstone" add-ons
・Fixed an issue that made it impossible to hit a survivor with The Cannibals chainsaw when the killer wasn't moving as the non-host killer of a Kill Your Friends lobby
・Removed "slightly reduced chainsaw detection zone range" for the Light Chassis Chainsaw add-on for all languages
・Fixed an issue that caused players to receive the incorrect amount of bloodpoints when purchasing a Teachable perk they already own in the Shrine of Secrets
・Fixed an issue that caused the audio to loop for the rest of the match if the client disconnected during The Cannibals memento mori
・Fixed an issue that caused the navigation UI to disappear for survivors if they would disconnect from a lobby with the any sidebar UI opened (bloodweb, inventory, customization)
・Fixed an issue that could cause players to get a soft ban message without being banned
・Fixed an issue that could cause the players Steam names to appear incorrectly in game if there were specific symbols in it
・Fixed an issue that made it possible for players to use a DLC Killer character they do not own after playing against a killer who played the associated splinter offering
0808UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 25fe-PvnN [])
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2017/09/22(金) 05:35:10.76ID:ahP1JhLB0
0809UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 09a2-Dc1X [])
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2017/09/22(金) 05:42:05.74ID:WEGp4OR80
Patch Notes 1.7.1


・Groaning Storehouse 内のSEを適正化
・パーク Enduring のタイプミスを修正(b → by)
・カニバルのアドオン Light Chassis の当たり判定が大きくなっていた不具合を修正(本来は判定を縮小する)
・ハグが罠を描くとハマる?ことがある不具合を修正?※罠を狭い場所に描くと謎のコリジョンが発生したのでそれのこと? (Fixed an issue that caused The Hag to snap into position after placing a trap)
・"Sole Survivor"が2人以下死亡時にはキラーのオーラ読み取り範囲に効果を発揮していなかった不具合を修正
・マイケルのアドオン "Tombstone Piece" と "Judith's Tombstone" の説明がリザルトで正常に表示されないことがある不具合を修正

0810UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 09a2-Dc1X [])
垢版 |
2017/09/22(金) 05:52:34.77ID:WEGp4OR80
>>806 >>809
・Kill Your Friend でカニバルのチェーンソーが当たらない不具合を修正。※キラーがホストの時のみ?KUFやったことないのでよくわからん
・Light Chassis アドオンから当たり判定縮小に関する文言を削除

垢版 |
2017/09/22(金) 06:35:42.02
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2017/09/22(金) 06:47:36.38
0819UnnamedPlayer (アウアウウー Sacd-7Ku1 [])
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2017/09/22(金) 07:25:57.42ID:T82e/KWva
0820UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 0d04-SHDQ [])
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2017/09/22(金) 07:26:11.92ID:MYh4GXgQ0
0821UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 122b-hoCt [])
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2017/09/22(金) 08:10:14.12ID:nmHZ3N/90
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2017/09/22(金) 08:13:18.78
0823UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 8136-Dc1X [])
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2017/09/22(金) 08:19:30.45ID:5IDnvyrH0

垢版 |
2017/09/22(金) 08:21:10.55
0828UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ f5c6-ow9C [])
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2017/09/22(金) 08:33:22.56ID:JwScGv6W0
0829UnnamedPlayer (アウアウカー Sab1-V5f+ [])
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2017/09/22(金) 08:36:10.51ID:zTp/v7x2a
0832UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ a2ab-hoCt [])
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2017/09/22(金) 09:25:25.69ID:7bUX2tb/0
せっかくBPS使ってもゴミスペが1人混じってたら開始遅くなって抜け率も上がるからな 開始してからは切断率も上がり結果的に全く稼げないgm試合になる
そういう時程チャット機能が欲しくなることはない チャット出来れば鯖に談合持ちかけれるのに
0834UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 8136-Dc1X [])
垢版 |
2017/09/22(金) 09:47:51.17ID:Gf1dsvXG0
0836UnnamedPlayer (スップ Sdb2-C95h [])
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2017/09/22(金) 09:52:18.87ID:CWttYYzkd
0837UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ ada7-w3Ob [])
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2017/09/22(金) 10:02:07.37ID:R9z4/Ncb0
0838UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 6518-PvnN [])
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2017/09/22(金) 10:05:03.97ID:kpWYMb0n0
0841UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ f5c6-ow9C [])
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2017/09/22(金) 10:13:23.18ID:JwScGv6W0
0843UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 09a2-Dc1X [])
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2017/09/22(金) 10:18:14.85ID:WEGp4OR80
Fudge-ton of Q&A

Q カニバルコンソールはよ
A パッチを作り次第に

Why does The Huntress have lace instead of hair? Is it because hair is a bit annoying to animate?
Mathieu - "It's part of the character design that she has a mask with a vale on it and that's why this is as it is. But hair is notoriously annoying to animate. Usually we don't animate hair as much as we just use physics/simulations."

When will The Wraith get his well-deserved rework?
Not_Queen - "Well actually..." [See Road Map]

Q 低スペユーザ用の修正やる?
A コンソール用の最適化でPC版も一緒に軽くなる見込み

Will you tackle ultra-wide resolution? Currently it's cropped.
Mathieu - "We'll look at [these things] at some point, but they seem to always fall by the wayside 'cause they're not as important as critical fixes and improvements. It might be a surprise thing that pops up at some point."

Q BPS(100%オファ)いつ終わる?
A 未定


Not_Queen - "I kind of?we?decided that we're going to keep them. Right?"
Mathieu - "Are we saying that now? The thing is that we said you know you can win the joy of having them for an extra month, but people loved them so much and we kinda dig them. So we kinda don't want to take them out. Let's not take them out."
Not_Queen - "This is a decision that has been made live."
Mathieu - "So never is the answer to your question."

Q サバイバーって死んでるの?
Did the survivors actually die to arrive in The Entity's realm, or are they now outside of space and time?
Mathieu - "That is a very, very good question. I'm certainly not gonna answer the first part. I will tell you that they are now not in the same space and time as we are in. That's obscure and not really helping, but that's all you're getting."

Q 板グルに関するアップデートは予定してる?
A 来週に発表する?
Not_Queen - "We had a quick comment about it earlier; about the vacuum pallets, about the fact that we're investigating, that we want to change things. Horvath will be invited to a future stream to talk about?"
Mathieu - "We can probably do that next week. Since you're not gonna be there, I need to find something else to keep people busy."

Q 透明レイスでキックさせろ
A レイスキューブで検討中。キックしたらアンクローク、みたいなのを。
0845UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 09a2-Dc1X [])
垢版 |
2017/09/22(金) 10:19:56.54ID:WEGp4OR80
Q Devボコりてぇ
A ハロウィンでやる。実は一周年の時も開発チームが混ざってた。

The new map for The Swamp was amazing. Can we have the location of the next map you plan to add inside the game?
Mathieu - "The answer is no."

Do we have to expect a very cool surprise for Halloween?
Mathieu - "Well, you can expect a surprise. I don't know if its' very 'cool'. We think it's cool, but eh."
Not_Queen - "What do we know?"

Q ランクリセットボタン実装してくれない?
A やらない。leaveしてたらソフトバンだよ。ランクについては League Cube(Not the Badge Cube.) で 検討する。

Can we have a poll to bring back noodle legs?
[soft giggles all around]
Mathieu - "Nah, it's not gonna happen."

Can you do something with Bubba's Chainsaw's constantly buzzing sound. At least make an option to disable this.
Mathieu - "That's two-fold. First of all, it is extremely accurate to the movie and the character and so we are keeping it in our rage of honor what he is and how he is in the movies.
The other thing is that it's part of the balance. He always has that buzzing sound. It's the same with the humming.
It's something that makes it distracting to hear the squeaks and squeals of survivors. So no, it's probably not going to change."

When are you adding more forum mods?
Not_Queen - "We're not."

I've heard rumors that the sounds of survivor breathing and footprints have been quieted. Is that true?
Not_Queen - "We have a couple of occlusion bugs..."
Mathieu - "But other than that, no."

Q フェンミンに新しい衣装くれ
A 秘密です

Q Unnerving PresenceがDSのスキルチェックにも効いてるけど変更予定ある?
A 仕様通りです

Are you aware that some killer perks can be outright bypassed by tapping generators? (Ruin, Huntress's Lullaby, Unnerving Presence)
Not_Queen - "I had a discussion with Horvath about this one, and I think we are planning adding back the leaving explosion so if you are leaving, and there is a skill check at the same time, it explodes."

Will we get new Laurie and Michael cosmetics based on the new movie coming out new year like Old Laurie?
Mathieu - "Licensing deals are usually extremely specific as to what you can do with them.
In this case, what we got was the rights to the original movie and [those rights] did not extend to the likeness of the actors which is a good think for Michael Meyers because nobody knows what that actor looks like under the mask.
But for Laurie, we didn't have the rights to the actress; just the character. We'd have to do a brand new deal if we wanted to add cosmetics. I'm not saying it's never gonna happen, but it's not easy for us to do that."

Q 地下のでかいマップ実装する?
A 良いね!

Q ランク報酬どうよ?セッションごとにBPとか。
A League に関する更新でやるかも。
0846UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 09a2-Dc1X [])
垢版 |
2017/09/22(金) 10:21:27.06ID:WEGp4OR80
Q グラフィックを荒くすると小さい草が消えるんですけど直す予定ありますか?
A 今はその予定はない。

Adjusting the graphic setting too low gets rid of a lot of the short grass. Any plans to fix it?

Will you implement a colorblind game mode?
Not_Queen - "The idea to have the ability to change the colors of the auras would be considered. But in-game colors: that's not gonna change."

Why is Michael Meyers called The Shape?
Mathieu - "Well, if you took two minutes to Google it, you would see that the original movie credits do not call him Michael Meyers unless he's a child.
When he's later the killer with the mask, he is called The Shape; and that fit perfectly with our naming convention which is the same reason why Leatherface ended up being called The Cannibal."

When are we getting new exclusives?
Not_Queen - "New exclusives, right now, are on the ice."
Mathieu - "Because it's extremely difficult to do that for consoles, and we don't just want to give them out to PC players."

Will there be more add-ons for the old killers, at some point?
Not_Queen - "This is not planned right now."

Q Brutal Strengthを発電機キックにも適用して欲しい
A やる予定です

Are you aware that Sole Survivor still does not properly work with Object of Obsession and could you clarify how Sole Survivor and Barbecue & Chili are suppose to interact?
Not_Queen - "So, Sole Survivor is suppose to cut down the aura-reading. If it's not, it is a bug."

Why did you make two killers with the same weapon?
Mathieu - "First of all, they're not the same?well, technically you could say that The Trapper has a blade and Michael Meyers has a blade?but yes.
The reason that we did it is because we could not say no to Leatherface. And they're different enough that they really don't play the same."

Is it possible to make it so that when a survivor disconnects a generator pops?
This way, when someone rage quits at the start of a round, the other three survivors are not left with five generators.

Not_Queen - "This is not going to be happening."
Mathieu - "The idea was always that if someone quits it's the same as if they died. If someone dies at the beginning of the match, it sucks!"
Not_Queen - "But yeah, there is no way we're doing this because it would favor survivors way too much."

Q サバイバーキューブいつ頃?
A 来週に発表できることがあるかも

Q ブラッドウェブのアニメーション省略オプション
A 10月イベントの後に予定有り

Q 4人のSWFで鬼をボコる不公平さについて
A Badge systemで見直します

Where did you take your inspiration for The Huntress from?
Mathieu - "I'd like to get Dave to give all the details on that, but we went to Russian/Ukraine/Poland places and looked at a few of the old folk tales and legends around there.
And then we added a bunch of other stuff that we had talked about in the past that we didn't know exactly how to fit in. And yeah, we ended up with the story of Anna as you know it."

Can you adjust the priority of unhooking and self care?
Not_Queen - "It's been done, but [healing instead of unhooking] still happens."

In history, you say weather effects on maps are really difficult and [will] not happen, but on the [Red Forest] map you added raining weather effect and it's incredibly amazing. So?
Mathieu - "It was not simple. But yeah, sometimes we get better at stuff as we do it and sometimes we discover ways to do things cleverly.
So there might be more weather effects coming, but they need to fit well."

Charity Case on console?
Mathieu - "The Charity Case is not ready to go on console right now, just because it's a lot more complex to make sure that every penny of that goes to charity."
0847UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 9e4a-U4+a [])
垢版 |
2017/09/22(金) 10:26:58.97ID:Uq4Lvmkf0

0852UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 8136-w3Ob [])
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2017/09/22(金) 10:42:50.55ID:lOo9tl980
0854UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 0d04-SHDQ [])
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2017/09/22(金) 11:03:26.03ID:MYh4GXgQ0
なるほど PS4の最適化来るんか よかったよかった
0856UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 09a2-Dc1X [])
垢版 |
2017/09/22(金) 11:29:41.46ID:WEGp4OR80
キューブ … リワーク系のメジャーアップデートの呼称。

0858UnnamedPlayer (ササクッテロル Sp79-w3Ob [])
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2017/09/22(金) 11:55:47.35ID:JdXIG6+Op
0864UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 6918-w3Ob [])
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2017/09/22(金) 12:20:58.04ID:rmWneFU60
0865UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 55a7-hoCt [])
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2017/09/22(金) 12:34:45.58ID:ewLnmsSV0

0866UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 9278-PvnN [])
垢版 |
2017/09/22(金) 12:35:09.14ID:9HpqbgXj0
0876UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 6918-w3Ob [])
垢版 |
2017/09/22(金) 13:27:29.30ID:rmWneFU60
0878UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 5e65-y+oZ [ [上級国民]])
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2017/09/22(金) 13:30:52.65ID:ITWHnkzg0
垢版 |
2017/09/22(金) 13:37:32.19
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2017/09/22(金) 13:42:06.48
0889UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 6918-w3Ob [])
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2017/09/22(金) 13:46:48.15ID:rmWneFU60
0901UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ 55a7-hoCt [])
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2017/09/22(金) 14:16:17.66ID:ewLnmsSV0

0903UnnamedPlayer (ワッチョイ d236-PvnN [])
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2017/09/22(金) 14:20:48.26ID:yovW6+DF0
0904UnnamedPlayer (アウアウカー Sab1-xyI+ [])
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2017/09/22(金) 14:21:46.82ID:6srrEWowa
