Steps on how to view NVST (Jaxx Users)

Jaxx Version used: 1.2.18
Currency Tested: BTC (Should be the same for other currency that is supported by Jaxx)

- If you sent to NVO via Jaxx's BTC wallet, you're good to go as the private keys are generated by the wallet. ( Here are 2 easy steps if you're trying to find the private key for Jaxx. Tools>Display Private key )
- Once you have your private key, time to create your counterparty wallet
- Go to and create your new counterparty wallet
- Once wallet is up and running, head over to the import funds on the top right of the counterwallet
- Select From Another Address
- It will prompt you for the private key that your BTC address is tied to (Jaxx has multiple interlinked addresses. Find the one that correspond with your address that you sent BTC to NVO)
- Click sweep (If nothing happens, means the tokens are not distributed yet)

この通りにして sweep押すところまで来たんだけど、何も変わらん