Abe Shinzo Harbin Korea China Manchuria Kishi Nobusuke 倭
Unit 731 was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes committed by the Japanese armed forces.
It routinely conducted tests on people who were dehumanized and internally referred to as "logs". Approximately 500,000 people were killed by Unit 731.
Experiments included disease injections, controlled dehydration, biological weapons testing, hypobaric pressure chamber testing, vivisection, organ procurement, amputation, and standard weapons testing.
Victims included not only kidnapped men, women (including pregnant women) and children but also babies born from the systemic rape perpetrated by the staff inside the compound.
【松野官房長官】裏金1千万円超か パーティー収入還流、政権内に波及 [クロ★]
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