
Q ハグ・トーテムのリワークは6月のアプデに含まれますか?
Hag and totem rework - will they appear in June with all other stuff?

A 今週の生放送で発表されます
Will be answered in this week's YouTube Q&A by Stefan Horvath himself!

Q エンブレムの調整は6月に来ますか?
I asked this last week and got no answer.
Will the Emblem System be adjusted further and if so will it be included in the anniversary update in June?

A 6月にはバグ修正とエンブレムの取得条件に関する修正が来ます。エンブレムの調整のメインはチャプターの間(6週間後目安)にリリースします。
There is a few bug fixes and Emblems requirements changes coming with the June update. The main balancing will be in the mid-chapter patch.

Q カジュアル層がチェイス/逃避のエンブレムを取りやすくしてください。
i can only hope that means getting iridescent chaser/evader is actually quite possible now for the casual player, instead of ridiculously hard.

A 現在の逃避カテゴリエンブレムには60秒のチェイス時間上限があり、これ以上チェイスをしてもポイントは増えません。この上限は次のパッチで修正する予定です。
Evader had a hard cap on 60second chase which means you wouldn't get more evader points if the chase was longer than 60 seconds.
That one should be fixed in the upcoming patch!

Console patch the same day of the pc release?

Because this patch bring a lot of new content and changes to game, the process is slower. For this patch, it is very unlikely that will happen.

Q 意訳:窓超え、板壊しが想定された速さにならない件は6月に修正されますか?
Are you guys planning on fixing the issues where killers don't perform actions at the speeds they are supposed to (Window vaults, some pallet breaks)?

A 6月の修正はハグ、フレディ、ピッグに影響を与えるものになりますが、その速度に関する件については不明です。
This fix is intended to come with the June update but it has not been verified yet. That would affect Hag, Nightmare and Pig.

Q 意訳:ゲームの学習が非効率な点を何とかしませんか?手始めにマッチングをランクベースではなくプレイ時間ベースに変更するとか。
Do you guys plan on a system to combat the insane learning curve? Perhaps base the match system on hours played rather than rank, for a start?

A マッチングに関しては常に手を入れています。6月のパッチで新規プレイヤーがよりゲームをやりやすくなるようなチュートリアルを導入します。
There will be changes and tune up to the matchmaking, as always.
But we are also introducing a whole new in-game tutorial section in June to help new players get more familiar with the game!

I feel like Zemo from Civil War when I say/ask this....for the almost 2nd month in a row...
"Q&A...March 19th, 2018. /u/not_Queen_bhvr It was skipped entirely.

Since I am the only one answering this Q&A and I was sick + PAX + sick again, it has been passed on. Long live Q&A March 19th.

Q スモールゲームの改善提案です。(火のついた)トーテムの浄化が終わっていたら、トーテムに反応しないようにしませんか?
Can you make a small quality of life change to the Small Game perk, preventing its activation while the player is already cleansing the Totem?

A 良いアイディアですね。
Horvath's answer
That'd be nice!