647 承認済み名無しさん 2018/04/29(日) 20:07:46.96 ID:7Xc6hvqA
Bitsoar comprehensive report
Date: April 17 (pm2 ~ 4)
Place: Guro Hotel
1.Bitsoar hack situation
- April 13, 2018 (Friday) PM5: 30 ~ April 15 (Sun) PM5: 30 Wallet server hacking.
- Wallet server closed
- Total damage: 4.7 billion hacking
- Tracking hacking path, estimated to be Chinese ip.
- No additional damage at present.
- Anti-hacking security system reorganization Separate server management, separate
internet network and install IPS hardware firewall to prevent hacking (security cost
20,000won / month) Replace with security company used by KCX.
2. Current Bitsoar measures
1) New coin development plan
- Development Company: Tongblock Development Team
- Development period: 45 days
- Developers: Participate in developing coins, including internationally renowned
developers (Indian, the world's fifth-largest developer).
2) Contents
- 1: 1 exchange of new coin and BSR
- Exchange standards are as follows.
【祭り】BSR coinexchange part13
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2018/04/29(日) 22:16:02.84ID:UsRyjTPF
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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